Review: The Paris Apartment

Title: The Paris Apartment
Author: Lucy Foley
Genre: Thriller
Publisher: William Morrow
Source: Purchased
Format: Hardcover
Release Date: February 22, 2022
Rating: ★★★★


Goodreads Synopsis:

From the New York Times bestselling author of The Guest List comes a new locked room mystery, set in a Paris apartment building in which every resident has something to hide…

Jess needs a fresh start. She’s broke and alone, and she’s just left her job under less than ideal circumstances. Her half-brother Ben didn’t sound thrilled when she asked if she could crash with him for a bit, but he didn’t say no, and surely everything will look better from Paris. Only when she shows up – to find a very nice apartment, could Ben really have afforded this? – he’s not there.

The longer Ben stays missing, the more Jess starts to dig into her brother’s situation, and the more questions she has. Ben’s neighbors are an eclectic bunch, and not particularly friendly. Jess may have come to Paris to escape her past, but it’s starting to look like it’s Ben’s future that’s in question.

The socialite – The nice guy – The alcoholic – The girl on the verge – The concierge

Everyone’s a neighbor. Everyone’s a suspect. And everyone knows something they’re not telling.


Jess is running away from her job and looking to start over. She asks her half-brother, Ben, if she can come stay with him in Paris. He agrees, but when she shows up at his apartment, Ben isn’t there. It isn’t like him to disappear without a trace, so Jess starts digging into his life to figure out where he went. There’s a strange group of people living in his apartment building who all knew Ben but they all seem to be hiding something. Everyone is a suspect as Jess investigates everyone’s past and connection to each other to find her brother.

I listened to the audiobook of this book and I really enjoy it. It was told through multiple POVs, with each POV being read by a different actor. I love it when audiobooks have a full cast. It was so easy to follow the story, and I flew through it. I found all the characters to be unlikeable, and they all had good motives to kill Ben, so I couldn’t guess who was behind his disappearance.

The Paris Apartment is a great thriller!

Content warnings: death of parent (off page), death in childbirth (off page), blackmail, murder, drugging

Have you read The Paris Apartment? What did you think of it?

Review: Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies

Title: Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies
Author: Catherine Mack
Genre: Mystery, Contemporary
Publisher: Minotaur Books
Source: Publisher via NetGalley
Format: Ebook
Release Date: April 30, 2024
Rating: ★★★★★


Goodreads Synopsis:

Ten days, eight suspects, six cities, five authors, three bodies . . . one trip to die for.

All that bestselling author Eleanor Dash wants is to get through her book tour in Italy and kill off her main character, Connor Smith, in the next in her Vacation Mysteries series―is that too much to ask?

Clearly, because when an attempt is made on the real Connor’s life―the handsome but infuriating con man she got mixed up with ten years ago and now can’t get out of her life―Eleanor’s enlisted to help solve the case.

Contending with literary rivals, rabid fans, a stalker―and even her ex, Oliver, who turns up unexpectedly―theories are bandied about, and rivalries, rifts, and broken hearts are revealed. But who’s really trying to get away with murder?

Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies is the irresistible and hilarious series debut from Catherine Mack, introducing bestselling fictional author Eleanor Dash on her Italian book tour that turns into a real-life murder mystery, as her life starts to imitate the world in her books.


Eleanor Dash is a famous author of nine mystery books in the Vacation Mystery series. Her series features the detective Connor Smith, who is based on her ex-boyfriend. When Connor found out she wrote a novel about him ten years ago, he blackmailed her into giving him some of the royalties. Now, Eleanor is ready to kill off Connor. Her character. When she goes on a ten day book tour in Italy, including five other authors and the real Connor, Eleanor begins plotting her character’s death for her next book. However, someone is trying to kill the real Connor. Eleanor has to solve the real mystery of who is targeting Connor and herself, before real life turns into one of her murder mysteries.

This was one of those books that I didn’t want to end! As a writer, I loved seeing Eleanor’s life as a bestselling author. Her comments on the publishing industry were funny and accurate. This story was told from Eleanor’s perspective and she broke the fourth wall often by addressing the reader. She included many footnotes that were funny comments about the story. I’m so excited that this is the first book in a series because Eleanor’s voice was so entertaining!

Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies is an awesome first book in the series!

Thank you Minotaur Books for providing a digital copy of this book. 

Content warnings: death of parents (off page), robbery, mugging, poisoning, gun violence

Have you read Every Time I Go on Vacation, Someone Dies? What did you think of it?

Review: An Inconvenient Wife: A Modern Tudor Mystery

Title: An Inconvenient Wife: A Modern Tudor Mystery
Author: Karen E. Olson
Genre: Contemporary, Thriller, Mystery
Publisher: Pegasus Crime
Source: Once Upon a Book Club Box
Format: Hardcover
Release Date: April 2, 2024
Rating: ★★★★★


Goodreads Synopsis:

This astonishing crime novel—inspired by the Tudor era—takes the reader into the world of Kate Parker, who has just married billionaire Hank Tudor when a headless body is discovered near their summer home . . .

Kate Parker knows what she’s getting into when she marries billionaire businessman Hank Tudor—she’s his sixth wife, after all, and was by his side (as his assistant) when his fifth marriage to actress Caitlyn Howard fell apart.

But honeymoon plans go awry when a headless body is discovered near Hank’s summer home, forcing Kate to contend with two more of his exes: Catherine Alvarez—the first—who lives as a shut-in with her computers, carefully following Tudor Enterprises; and Anna Klein—the fourth—who runs a bed-and-breakfast where she and her wife keep a steady eye on things—particularly Hank’s children, Lizzie and Teddy.

In this clever and suspenseful reimagining of Tudor era betrayals, these three women become entwined in a deadly game of cat and mouse—with each other, Hank, and Hank’s brilliant fixer, Tom Cromwell—as Kate seeks to solve the puzzle of who the murdered woman is, who killed her, and whether her death has any connection to the other headless body from eight years ago.


Kate Parker married her former boss Hank Tudor, and became his sixth wife. Their honeymoon was cut short when a headless body was found on one of Hank’s properties. Through the investigation, Kate has to deal with two of Hank’s ex-wives: his first wife Catherine who lives as a shut-in and Anna Klein who runs an inn and looks after Hank’s children. These three women become involved in the investigation, questioning their roles in Hank’s life and if he is behind the murder.

This was such an amazing Tudor adaptation. I love reading about Henry VIII and his wives. This story was cleverly adapted into modern time, while also following the true story and creating a suspenseful mystery. The final chapters kept me guessing with all the twists, and the ending gave me goosebumps! It’s one of my favourite book endings!

An Inconvenient Wife is a must read for Tudor fans!

Content warnings: murder, divorce, adultery, agoraphobia

Have you read An Inconvenient Wife? What did you think of it?

Review: Not Like Other Girls

Title: Not Like Other Girls
Author: Meredith Adamo
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Thriller
Publisher: Bloomsbury Books
Source: Publisher
Format: Paperback arc
Release Date: April 30, 2024
Rating: ★★★★★


Goodreads Synopsis:

A girl risks everything to find her former best friend in this powerful debut mystery about trauma, girlhood, and what we deserve.

When Jo-Lynn Kirby’s former best friend—pretty, nice Maddie Price—comes to her claiming to be in trouble, Jo assumes it’s some kind of joke. After all, Jo has been an outcast ever since her nude photos were leaked—and since everyone decided she deserved it. There’s no way Maddie would actually come to her for help.

But then Maddie is gone.

Everyone is quick to write off Maddie as a runaway, but Jo can’t shake the feeling there’s more to the story. To find out the truth, Jo needs to get back in with the people who left her behind—and the only way back in is through Hudson Harper-Moore. An old fling of Jo’s with his own reasons for wanting to find Maddie, Hudson hatches a fake dating scheme to get Jo back into their clique. But being back on the inside means Jo must confront everything she’d rather forget: the boys who betrayed her, the whispers that she had it coming, and the secrets that tore her and Maddie apart. As Jo digs deeper into Maddie’s disappearance, she’s left to wonder who she’s really searching for: Maddie, or the girl she used to be.

Not Like Other Girls is a stunning debut that takes a hard look at how we treat young women and their trauma, through the lens of a missing girl and a girl trying to find herself again.


Jo-Lynn Kirby is a seventeen-year-old junior in high school. Her former best friend, Maddie Price, disappears after asking Jo for help. Jo has been an outcast ever since her private photos were leaked, so she doesn’t know why Maddie would go to her for help. The police decide that Maddie has just run away on her own, but Jo suspects there’s more to her disappearance. She joins together with her former fling, Hudson, to figure out what happened to Maddie, but she ends uncovering her own secrets as well. 

This was such an intense YA thriller. It was so hard to put down. I think readers who love awesome thriller writers like Karen M. McManus and Holly Jackson will love this debut thriller!

Thank you Bloomsbury Books US and for providing a copy of this book for part of a sponsored campaign. 

Content warnings: sexual assault, rape, gaslighting

Have you read Not Like Other Girls? What did you think of it?

Review: Good Girl, Bad Blood (A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder #2)

Title: Good Girl, Bad Blood (A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder #2)
Author: Holly Jackson
Genre: Young Adult, Thriller, Mystery
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Source: Purchased
Format: Paperback
Release Date: March 2, 2021
Rating: ★★★★★


Goodreads Synopsis:

Pip is not a detective anymore.

With the help of Ravi Singh, she released a true-crime podcast about the murder case they solved together last year. The podcast has gone viral, yet Pip insists her investigating days are behind her.

But she will have to break that promise when someone she knows goes missing. Jamie Reynolds has disappeared, on the very same night the town hosted a memorial for the sixth-year anniversary of the deaths of Andie Bell and Sal Singh.

The police won’t do anything about it. And if they won’t look for Jamie then Pip will, uncovering more of her town’s dark secrets along the way… and this time everyone is listening. But will she find him before it’s too late?


Following the success of her podcast about the murder of Andie Bell, Pip is continuing to share episodes about the trial. Pip says she won’t investigate any crimes again, but when her best friend Connor asks for her help in finding Jamie, his missing brother, Pip agrees to help find him. The police won’t look for Jamie because he’s an adult, but Pip knows his disappearance is suspicious. With the help of her friends, Pip begins recording season 2 of her podcast, A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, to get the public’s help in finding Jamie.

This story kept me on the edge of my seat. I really couldn’t put it down. There were so many twists and clues that I couldn’t predict where the story would end. The ending was a little complicated with multiple people involved. I don’t think you could solve the entire thing with the clues given throughout the story, but I was very surprised at who was involved in Jamie’s disappearance. 

Good Girl, Bad Blood is a great sequel! I can’t wait to read the next book!

Content warnings: death, death of parent (off page), child abuse (off page), child death (off page), knife violence, gun violence, fire

Other books in the series:

Have you read Good Girl, Bad Blood? What did you think of it?

Review: The Mystery Guest (Molly the Maid #2)

Title: The Mystery Guest (Molly the Maid #2)
Author: Nita Prose
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Contemporary
Publisher: Viking
Source: Publisher
Format: Paperback
Release Date: November 28, 2023
Rating: ★★★★


Goodreads Synopsis:

When an acclaimed author dies at the Regency Grand Hotel, it’s up to a fastidious maid to uncover the truth, no matter how dirty—in a standalone novel featuring Molly Gray, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Maid, a Good Morning America Book Club Pick.

Molly Gray is not like anyone else. With her flair for cleaning and proper etiquette, she has risen through the ranks of the glorious five-star Regency Grand Hotel to become the esteemed Head Maid. But just as her life reaches a pinnacle state of perfection, her world is turned upside down when J.D. Grimthorpe, the world-renowned mystery author, drops dead—very dead—on the hotel’s tea room floor.

When Detective Stark, Molly’s old foe, investigates the author’s unexpected demise, it becomes clear that this death was murder most foul. Suspects abound, and everyone wants to know who killed J.D. Grimthorpe? Was it Lily, the new Maid-in-Training? Or was it Serena, the author’s secretary? Could Mr. Preston, the hotel’s beloved doorman, be hiding something? And is Molly really as innocent as she seems?

As the case threatens the hotel’s pristine reputation, Molly knows she alone holds the key to unlocking the killer’s identity. But that key is buried deep in her past—because long ago, she knew J.D. Grimthorpe. Molly begins to comb her memory for clues, revisiting her childhood and the mysterious Grimthorpe mansion where she and her dearly departed Gran once worked side by side. With the entire hotel under investigation, Molly must solve the mystery post-haste. If there’s one thing Molly knows for sure, it’s that dirty secrets don’t stay buried forever…


Molly Gray is now the Head Maid at the Regency Grand Hotel. At an event at the hotel, the famous author J.D. Grimthorpe drops dead, leaving the hotel staff as the prime suspects. However, Molly keeps it a secret that she knew Grimthorpe as a child. To figure out who the killer is, Molly revisits memories of visiting the Grimthorpe mansion with her Gran as a child. 

I was so glad to revisit Molly in this story. She’s a unique character who doesn’t understand many social cues, so she’s viewed as “different” by many people she encounters. Despite this, she perseveres and works to solve the murders that occur at the hotel. It was nice to see some of Molly’s memories with Gran, but I would have liked to see the story stay more in the present mystery. The murder mystery was suspenseful, with an ending I didn’t expect. 

I hope we get to revisit Molly Gray in the future. 

Thank you Penguin Random House Canada for sending me a copy of this book!

Content warnings: addiction, alcoholism, poisoning, death, theft

Other books in the series:

Have you read The Mystery Guest? What did you think of it?