The Mid-Year Freak Out Tag

This is my first time doing this tag! I don’t usually do tags, since I do a lot of reading. I was going to do this one last year… but I got side-tracked. Thank you Emma from Emma’s Chapter for tagging me this year!! (P.S. Check out her blog! She’s awesome!)

Best Book of 2019 So Far

I just started reading this series this year, and I’m so hooked on it! I can’t wait for the next book, but I also don’t want the series to end. Here’s my review.

Best Sequel of 2019 So Far

This is a fun series, where Victorian classics are retold in a fantasy world. The first one was a retelling of Frankenstein and this one was a retelling of Oliver Twist. I love this series! Here’s my review.

New Release That You Haven’t Read Yet But Want To

I’m so excited to read The Bride Test! I hope to read it soon, because I’ve heard good things about it.

Most Anticipated Release of the Second Half of 2019

I’m dying to read Ninth House! I can’t wait for it to come out in the fall!

Biggest Disappointment of 2019 So Far

I thought this book would be funnier, but it was actually quite creepy.

Biggest Surprise of 2019 So Far

I enjoyed Ash Princess, but the ending of the second book in the trilogy, Lady Smoke, was so intense! I have no idea what will happen in the next book. Here’s my review.

Favourite New Author

I loved Nocturna! Maya Motayne is awesome. I’m excited to read the next book. Here’s my review.

Newest Fictional Crush

Ashish Patel was adorable in this book! I love all of Sandhya Menon’s characters, but they’re especially sweet in this new book! Here’s my review.

Newest Favourite Character

I really liked Cam in this book. He played an important role in the ending of this book, which I can’t say too much about without giving spoilers. I highly recommend it! Here’s my review.

Book That Made You Happy

I’m going to start reading more romantic comedies, because they are so much fun! This book was a hilarious ending to the Don Tillman series. Also, the event I went to at Indigo with Graeme Simsion was the funniest book event I have ever been to! Here’s my review.

Books To Read By the End of the Year

I have so many books to read by the end of the year, but I have preordered these ones so I can read them ASAP! I’m so excited for them to come out!

Favourite Post You Have Done So Far This Year

Other than this fun tag, I really enjoyed writing my Top Ten Tuesday list of Characters That Remind Me of Myself. This one was a bit of a challenge, since I couldn’t just pick the ones that I like, but rather the ones that I am the most like. It was a fun challenge!

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I Tag

Evelyn @ Evelyn Reads

Mani @ Mani’s Book Corner

Deb @ The Reading Chick

Libby @ Libby Reads

Brittany @ Bookaholic Brittany

Bookish Naughty or Nice Tag

Thank you to Meghan at Meghan’s Whimsical Explorations & Reviews for tagging me!  

The Rules

  • Tag & link the person who tagged you.
  • Tag and link Jenniely’s post, for she’s love to read everyone’s answers!
  • Tick/cross off the ones you’ve done.
  • Tag another 10 people.




1. Received an ARC and not reviewed it  ✔️

2. Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley ❌

3. Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did) ❌

4. Folded down the page of a book ❌

5. Accidentally spilled on a book ❌

6. DNF a book this year ✔️

7. Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it  ✔️

8. Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework) ✔️

9. Skim read a book ✔️

10. Completely missed your Goodreads goal ❌

11. Borrowed a book and not returned it to the library ❌

12. Broke a book buying ban ❌

13. Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about ✔️

14. Wrote in a book you were reading ❌

15. Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads ❌

16. Borrowed a book and not returned it to a friend ✔️

17. Dodged someone asking if they can borrow a book ❌

18. Broke the spine of someone else’s book ❌

19. Took the jacket off a book to protect it and ended up making it more damaged ❌

20. Sat on a book accidentally ✔️

Final Score: 8/20

Last year my score was  9/15, so I was naughty, but this year I’m nice!


If you don’t want to do it or have already done it, no problem. If you do the tag, please tag me so I can see your answers!

FIFA World Cup Book Tag

Thank you to Catherine @ This One is For The Books for tagging me in this!  This tag was created by Rendz @ Reading with Rendz Here we go!


  • Link back to this post so I can read all your wonderful answers!
  • Answer the questions the best that you can!
  • Tag a few friends at the end to keep this tag going!
  • Have fun!

Time for kick off!!!

Let the Flags Fly

Wave them high and proudly!!! Look at all the fun colours!!!
A Book from your World Cup Competing Country/ the Country that You Want to Win!

My country (Canada) isn’t in the World Cup, so I will cheer for England, who has made it farther than they ever have before!


My Name is Victoria by Lucy Worsley

I loved this book! It’s about Queen Victoria as a child. I highly recommend it. You can find my review here.


It’s The Beautiful Game

Football! Soccer! Beautiful! Whatever you call it!
A book with a pretty cover / A book that features soccer


King’s Cage by Victoria Aveyard

I love the covers of the books in the Red Queen series! Each one has a different crown on it. I hadn’t even realized, until I heard Victoria Aveyard say it at an event, that each crown is made of a different material! This one is made of bone and even has blood dripping from it. You can read my review for this book here.


Ferocious Fans

Face paint! Big signs! Lots of noise!
Name a fandom you love being a part of!


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

I’m even wearing my Hogwarts Alumni shirt as I write this post, so I’m a huge part of this fandom!


Teamwork! Teamwork! Teamwork!

There is no way one person can win the game!
Name your Favourite Bookish Crew / A Book that has Co-Authors!


Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

The partnership of Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff is amazing in this book! I haven’t read any books by them individually, but this book was incredible. I can’t wait to read the sequel, Gemini. You can find my review for Illuminae here.


Ref Blows the Whistle

You either love him or you hate him.
Name a book/character that you mixed feelings towards!


Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

I really liked this book, but it reminded me of so many other YA Fantasy novels. I still want to read the rest of the series one day because I’ve heard good things about it.



Everyone loses their heads and starts yelling at the top of their lungs!
Name your last 5 star read!


From Twinkle, with Love by Sandhya Menon

I loved this book! It’s definitely worth all five stars! You can find my review here.


The Gold Cup

It’s what we play for.
The Most Coveted/Loved Book On Your Shelf


The Mediator: Shadowland by Meg Cabot

My copy of The Mediator: Shadowland is falling apart. The spine is completely cracked and the cover is peeling. But it’s so loved. I shared it with at least 4 different friends in middle school, when I started the series. And I have read it many times myself. It’s definitely a well loved book.


Since the World Cup is almost over, I won’t tag anyone, but anyone who wants to can do this tag! Link back to my post so I can see your answers!

Harry Potter Day – Hogwarts Tag

Today is the 21st anniversary of the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. I’m a huge fan! Luana @ Book Storm Girl tagged me in this last week, and I’m so excited to do it! So let the fun begin!


What house are you in?

I’m a Ravenclaw all the way!


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What is your wand?

“Laurel wood with a Phoenix feather core 9 ¾” and Slightly Yielding flexibility”


So a laurel wand cannot do a dishonourable act, and it doesn’t tolerate laziness. Phoenix feathers are picky because they come from independent creatures. There’s so much information about wands on the Pottermore website! I had no idea they were so complex.

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What is your Patronus?

It’s a Chow dog! I’m not sure how helpful it would be against dementors…

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What would your boggart be?

I took this quiz to find out (the same as Book Storm Girl) and I got Dementor! This makes sense, since they’re so creepy… I wouldn’t want to meet one in a dark alley, or on the Hogwarts Express.


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What position would you play in Quidditch?

I did the Buzzfeed quiz for this one, because I had no idea what position I would play in Quidditch. I got chaser, just like one of my favourite witches, Ginny Weasley!


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Would you rather take Divination or Care of Magical Creatures as an elective?

This is a hard one. I would like Divination, but I can’t stand Trelawney. But at the same time, I don’t want to be outside all the time with all kinds of strange creatures that Hagrid would choose for us to study. So I’ll have to go with Divination.


What pet would you take to Hogwarts?

I would definitely bring an owl!


Which of the Deathly Hallows would you choose?

Hmm.. this is another tough one. I’m torn between the elder wand and the invisibility cloak, but I think I’d choose the cloak.


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Would you enter your name for the Triwizard Tournament?

Nope. Nope. Nope.


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Would you rather drink Butterbeer or Pumpkin Juice?

I would like to try both, but I have a sweet tooth, so I think I would prefer Pumpkin Juice.


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Favorite teacher at Hogwarts?

I love McGonagall. She’s so tough, but she really cares about her students and wants them to do well.


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Least favorite teacher at Hogwarts?

Umbridge. All the way. I can’t stand her. She’s even worse than Voldemort.


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Would you rather have the marauder’s map or a time-turner?

This is another tough one. I would rather have the map, because I think I would mess up the timeline by doing something wrong with the time-turner.


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What Hogwarts ghost would you like the most?

I like Nearly Headless Nick. He’s funny and nice to Harry.


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Would you join the Frog Choir?

Haha, nope. I don’t sing.


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Would you rather get a pygmy puff or Weasleys’ Wildfire Whiz-bangs?

Is this even a question? Pygmy puff, for sure! They’re so adorable! How can you resist!


The Hogwarts Express trolley is passing by, what do you get from it?

Pumpkin Pasties because they sound delicious.


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Would you sneak into the restricted section of the Hogwarts library?

I probably would if I needed a book from there, or if I ran out of reading material in the rest of the library!


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If you could save one character from the Battle of Hogwarts, who would it be?

This question is going to make me cry. I’m torn between Fred and Lupin. Probably Lupin… no Fred. No Lupin. It’s hard to say because if Fred survived, the Weasley twins would live on, but if Lupin survived then his son wouldn’t be an orphan. However, that continues Harry’s story by repeating history, since Harry is the godfather of the new orphan just like Sirius was to him. Okay, since I like the way history would repeat if Lupin died, I choose to save Fred.




I tag you!

So I realize this is the last day of the Harry Potter week celebrations, but I’m still going to tag some people. And anyone else who would like to do this tag is welcome to do it. Tag me so I can see your answers.

Thanks for reading!

(All images taken from and

Birthday Book Tag!

Today is my 25th birthday! I found this tag on Becca’s blog, becandbones, when it was her birthday earlier in the month. You can check out her post here!

So here are the questions!



So I have yet to read this book, but I love the covers in this series so I bought the first two. Maybe this is a sign that I should read it soon…



I would spend my birthday with Harley Quinn. She would let me read all day, because she knows it’s my favourite thing to do. But then she would force me to go out on the town with her to some wild clubs at night. We would probably end the day snuggling with puppies she just rescued on her last mission. But she’s so unpredictable, that the day could really go in any direction.



I recently reread this book with the girl who I tutor. It’s one of my favourites, and since it takes place on Valentine’s Day, it’s set close to my birthday. I LOVED Junie B. Jones when I was a kid, and she’s still hilarious to read about today!



Gone Without A Trace is the colour of my birthstone, which is Amethyst. But this story isn’t as calming as the stone looks. It was one of my favourite thrillers of last year, because I was shocked at the ending. You can read my review here.



I would have loved to have been born in the Victorian Era. I also would have loved to have been born in England!

I tag anyone with a birthday coming up soon!

Bookish Naughty or Nice tag


Merry Christmas everyone! Here is my first book tag!

I was tagged in the Bookish Naughty or Nice tag by Amber at Step Into A Book World. Her post is here.

The Creator is Jenn check out her post and blog here







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1.) Received an ARC and not reviewed it   ✔️
Unfortunately I’ve been approved for so many ARCs but I haven’t had time to review them all.

2.) Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley    ❌
My goal was to get by 80% by the new year, so I’ve been reading tons of my ARCs. Unfortunately I won’t reach that goal, but I did get up to 74%. I’m hoping to get to 80% in early 2018.

3.) Rated a book on GoodReads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)  ❌
No, I always post my reviews on my blog first, then GoodReads.

4.) Folded down the page of a book  ✔️
I used to do that, especially when it was used book that I had to read for University, but I wasn’t too crazy about it. Now I never do that though!

5.) Accidentally spilled on a book  ✔️
I’m sure I have done this (I can be pretty clumsy sometimes), but never so much that the book wasn’t salvageable.

6.) DNF a book this year ✔️
Yes! I always try to finish books but I didn’t finish The Dark Tower by Stephen King. I just can’t get into it! I will probably be posting my first DNF review soon.

7.) Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it ✔️
Yep!  Sometimes they are just sooooo beautiful that I have to have it!

8.) Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework) ✔️
Of course! Pretty much all the time!

9.) Skim read a book ✔️
Yes, unfortunately I’ve had to skim many books lately because I’ve been so busy. I don’t like doing it, but I have to sometimes just to get the review out on time.

10.) Completely missed your GoodReads goal  ❌
I’m pretty good at this. I usually read above and beyond my goal. This year my goal was 125 books and I passed 280…

11.) Borrowed a book and not returned it ❌
No, I would never do that because books are so important to me. Plus, usually the person who lends it to me is on my back until I get it back to them!

12.) Broke a book buying ban ✔️
Yep! If it’s on sale and I want to buy it anyway, might as well get it sooner rather than later!

13.) Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about ❌
I try to write my reviews as soon as I finish a book, or at most a couple of days later so I still have it fresh in my mind.

14.) Wrote in a book you were reading ✔️
Yes, during University I had to write notes in my margins all the time!

15.) Finished a book and not added it to your GoodReads ❌
Nope GoodReads is very important! I always add my books right away!

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I guess I’m more Naughty than Nice this year! I hope Santa won’t hold it against me!

Since it’s Christmas Day, I won’t tag anyone, but if you want to do it, please feel free to tag yourself! And link back to my tag so I can see your answers!

Have a Merry Christmas!