Six for Sunday – Favourite LGBTQ+ Characters

This meme is hosted by Steph at A little but a lot. The weekly prompts for 2019 can be found here.

This week’s prompt is Favourite LGBTQ+ Characters. Here’s my list:

1. Wyatt (The Witch King by H.E. Edgmon)

2. Karis (This Golden Flame by Emily Victoria)

3. Ollie (Only Mostly Devastated by Sophie Gonzales)

4. Yadriel (Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas)

5. Michael (The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta)

6. Ronan (Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater)

(All book covers from Goodreads)

Did you make a Six for Sunday list?

Author: jilljemmett

Jill lives in Toronto, Canada. She has studied English, Creative Writing, and Publishing. Jill is the creator and content producer of Jill’s Book Blog, where she has published a blog post every day for the last four years, including 5-7 book reviews a week. She can usually be found with her nose in a book.

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