Six for Sunday – Books With Snow/Ice in the Title

This meme is hosted by Steph at A little but a lot. The weekly prompts for 2019 can be found here.

This week’s prompt is Books With Snow/Ice in the Title. Here’s my list:

1. Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice

2. The Dark Beneath the Ice by Amelinda Bérubé

3. Cold as Ice (Whatever After #6) by Sarah Mlynowski

4. Let it Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson, Lauren Myracle

5. Stealing Snow by Danielle Paige

6. A Breath of Snow and Ashes (Outlander #6) by Diana Gabaldon

Did you write a #SixforSunday post? What was your list of Books With Snow/Ice in the Title?

(All book cover images from Goodreads)

Author: jilljemmett

Jill lives in Toronto, Canada. She has studied English, Creative Writing, and Publishing. Jill is the creator and content producer of Jill’s Book Blog, where she has published a blog post every day for the last four years, including 5-7 book reviews a week. She can usually be found with her nose in a book.

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