Top 5 Wednesday – Characters That Embody My Hogwarts House

This meme is hosted by Lainey from Thoughts on Tomes. The Goodreads Group for Top 5 Wednesday can be found here.

This week’s prompt is Characters That Embody Your Hogwarts House. My Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw, so these are characters who I think would also be in Ravenclaw:

1. Cress (The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer)

2. Matilda (Matilda by Roald Dahl)

3. Elizabeth Bennett (Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen)

4. Sherlock Holmes (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle)

5. Spencer Hastings (Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard)

What was your list of characters who embody your Hogwarts house?

Author: jilljemmett

Jill lives in Toronto, Canada. She has studied English, Creative Writing, and Publishing. Jill is the creator and content producer of Jill’s Book Blog, where she has published a blog post every day for the last four years, including 5-7 book reviews a week. She can usually be found with her nose in a book.

5 thoughts on “Top 5 Wednesday – Characters That Embody My Hogwarts House”

  1. Oh my gosh … this is such a great list! I did the same post but I’m a Hufflepuff he-he. Spencer, Matilda and Sherlock are such perfect characters!! Seriously, it’s kinda scary how well they fit in Ravenclaw.

    I haven’t read the other two books, but I’m sure they’re bang on. Great pics!

    Liked by 1 person

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