Review: Pest Control

Title: Doctor Who: Pest Control
Author: Peter Anghelides (narrated by David Tennant)
Genre: Science Fiction, Audiobooks
Publisher: BBC Audiobooks
Source: Purchased
Format: audiobook
Release Date: May 8, 2008
Rating: ★★★★★


Goodreads Synopsis:

The TARDIS is lost in battle on a distant planet. When the Doctor sets off in pursuit, Donna is left behind, and finds herself accepting a commission in the Pioneer Corps. Something is transforming soldiers into monstrous beetles, and she could be the next victim. Meanwhile, the Doctor steals a motorbike and stages a jailbreak. Well, how hard can it be to find the TARDIS, rescue Donna, and negotiate a peace? But that’s before the arrival of a brutal and remorseless mechanical exterminator, bent on wiping out the insects. It may be that nothing can stop it, because this robot’s solution for the infestation is very simple: kill everything. Featuring the Doctor and Donna, as played by David Tennant and Catherine Tate in the hit series from BBC Television, this story has been written specially for audio, and is read by David Tennant.


I love these Doctor Who audiobooks.

This one was narrated by David Tennant, who played the Tenth Doctor. He was my favourite Doctor. I was shocked at first to hear him narrating the story in his Scottish accent! I wasn’t expecting that since he has an English accent on the show.

I found the story a little confusing at times, because there were some unusual new creatures in the story. However, Tennant did a great job of giving each character a distinctive voice, which made the story very entertaining.

This was a great story for fans of the show.

What to read next:

Doctor Who: Dead Air by James Goss (narrated by David Tennant)
Doctor Who: The Forever Trap by Dan Abnett (narrated by Catherine Tate)

Have you listened to Doctor Who: Pest Control? What did you think of it?

Author: jilljemmett

Jill lives in Toronto, Canada. She has studied English, Creative Writing, and Publishing. Jill is the creator and content producer of Jill’s Book Blog, where she has published a blog post every day for the last four years, including 5-7 book reviews a week. She can usually be found with her nose in a book.

3 thoughts on “Review: Pest Control”

  1. David Tennant will forever be my fave doctor too, so this audiobook sounds perfect for me – I quite like when the actors do the audiobooks as it seems more authentic sometimes as you can imagine them in the scenario. Thanks for sharing as always x

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