Review: Love at First Knight

Title: Love at First Knight
Author: Megan Clawson
Genre: Romance, Contemporary
Publisher: Avon
Source: Publisher
Format: Paperback arc
Release Date: April 25, 2024
Rating: ★★★★


Goodreads Synopsis:

A second royal rom com from the author who had readers falling hard for royal guards, coming Spring 2024.

She’s no damsel in distress, and he’s certainly not wearing shining armour. But one knight can change everything…

Daisy Hastings has always thought she was born in the wrong era. So when she bags a summer job at the Tower of London helping to run their Knight school, it feels like a step in the right direction.

Theodore ‘Teddy’ Fairfax is a loose cannon. A disgraced distant relative of the royal family, he’s tall, dark and now (begrudgingly) helping with the Tower of London’s summer programme – and there’s nowhere he’d like to be less.

When Teddy’s oath to be an obstruction almost gets Daisy fired, she declares war. But as the two cross swords, they start to discover they both need a little rescuing…

And that maybe, just maybe, love can bloom, even on a battlefield…


Daisy Hastings loves LARPing with her family, wearing costumes and acting out fantasy stories. When she gets a job at a knight camp at the Tower of London, it seems like the perfect job for her. She’s partnered up with Viscount Teddy Fairfax, the King’s nephew who’s always in the tabloids. Teddy is always doing things to get Daisy in trouble at work, but she can’t seem to stay away from him. Daisy must try to keep her job without being distracted by the Royal who she’s falling for. 

I really liked Daisy and her family who dressed up and did role playing together. They had characters and storylines they always followed. It sounded so fun! Teddy and Daisy didn’t get along from the moment they met. They went from hate to love really quick. I would have liked to see more of their romantic time together after they started to fall for each other.

Love at First Knight is a cute rom com!

Thank you Frenzy Books for sending me a copy of this book!

Have you read Love at First Knight? What did you think of it?

Review: Falling Hard for the Royal Guard

Title: Falling Hard for the Royal Guard
Author: Megan Clawson
Genre: Romance, Contemporary
Publisher: Avon
Source: Purchased
Format: Paperback
Release Date: May 2, 2023
Rating: ★★★★★


Goodreads Synopsis:

Despite living in an actual castle, happily ever after is evading Margaret ‘Maggie’ Moore.

From her bedroom in the Tower of London, twenty-six-year-old Maggie has always dreamed of her own fairy-tale ending.

Yet this is twenty-first century London, so instead of knights on white horses, she has catfish on Tinder. And with her last relationship ending in spectacular fashion, she swears off men for good.

And then a chance encounter with Royal Guard Freddie forces Maggie to admit that she isn’t ready to give up on love just yet… But how do you catch the attention of someone who is trained to ignore all distractions?

Can she snare that true love’s first kiss… or is she royally screwed?


Twenty-six-year-old Maggie Moore lives at the Tower of London with her father. She’s always dreamed of her own fairytale romance, but all she has is a deadbeat ex-boyfriend following her around. After she literally stumbles into a Royal Guard one day, she starts to believe in love again. However, Maggie has a hard time getting his attention, since the Royal Guards are trained to ignore distractions. Maggie wants to find true love, whether she must swipe through Tinder or convince her Royal Guard that she’s the one for him.

This was such a fun romance! I loved seeing what life is like for residents of the Tower of London. It’s such a unique lifestyle, with residents not locking their doors and having trouble getting food delivered. Maggie has some horrific dates with men she met on Tinder, which anyone who has used dating apps would relate to. 

Falling Hard for the Royal Guard is a fun rom com!

Content warnings: death of parent (off page)

Have you read Falling Hard for the Royal Guard? What did you think of it?